enableHR & Citation HR API



Retrieve Action Status

Returns a status of an action in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an action status.
        try {
            ActionStatusDetail result = apiInstance.actionStatuses(accountId, actionStatusId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#actionStatuses");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an action status.
        try {
            ActionStatusDetail result = apiInstance.actionStatuses(accountId, actionStatusId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#actionStatuses");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an action status. (default to null)

// Retrieve Action Status
[apiInstance actionStatusesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an action status.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.actionStatuses(accountId, actionStatusId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class actionStatusesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an action status. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieve Action Status
                ActionStatusDetail result = apiInstance.actionStatuses(accountId, actionStatusId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.actionStatuses: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an action status.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->actionStatuses($accountId, $actionStatusId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->actionStatuses: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an action status.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->actionStatuses(accountId => $accountId, actionStatusId => $actionStatusId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->actionStatuses: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an action status. (default to null)

    # Retrieve Action Status
    api_response = api_instance.action_statuses(accountId, actionStatusId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->actionStatuses: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let actionStatusId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.actionStatuses(accountId, actionStatusId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an action status.



List Accounts

List all accounts visible to the user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            AccountsPage result = apiInstance.listAccounts(filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#listAccounts");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            AccountsPage result = apiInstance.listAccounts(filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#listAccounts");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.
 (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List Accounts
[apiInstance listAccountsWith:filter
              completionHandler: ^(AccountsPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var filter = name:Scottie*; // {String} A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.

var opts = {
  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listAccounts(filter, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listAccountsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.
 (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List Accounts
                AccountsPage result = apiInstance.listAccounts(filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.listAccounts: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listAccounts($filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->listAccounts: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listAccounts(filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->listAccounts: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()
filter = name:Scottie* # String | A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result.

 An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words.
 Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms.
 Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below).

 The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint.

 Some example filters:
 * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John.
 * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein.
 * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000.
 * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000.
 * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.
 (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List Accounts
    api_response = api_instance.list_accounts(filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->listAccounts: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listAccounts(filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Query parameters
Name Description
A search string that contains `field:values` together with boolean operators, which can be used to filter the result. An asterix (`*`) can also be used as a wildcard for partial matches on words. Logical operators (`AND` and `OR`) can be used between terms. Terms can be grouped via parenthesis to build complex search queries (see examples below). The fields used in the field must be fields returned from the REST API endpoint. Some example filters: * `firstName:John` which would return employees whose firstName was John. * `surname:Smith OR surname:Klein` which would return employees whose surname was either Smith or Klein. * `surname:Smi*` which would return employees whose surname is Smith, Smits, Smithe, etc. * `type:LegalEntity AND postcode:2000` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000. * `postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000` which would return all branches in either postcode of 2000 or in postcode 3000. * `type:LegalEntity AND (postcode:2000 OR postcode:3000)` which would return all branches that are Legal Entities and in postcode 2000 or 3000.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Retrieve Account

Retrieves a specific account given the `accountId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        try {
            AccountDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveAccount(accountId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#retrieveAccount");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        try {
            AccountDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveAccount(accountId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#retrieveAccount");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

// Retrieve Account
[apiInstance retrieveAccountWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(AccountDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveAccount(accountId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveAccountExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieve Account
                AccountDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveAccount(accountId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.retrieveAccount: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveAccount($accountId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveAccount(accountId => $accountId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveAccount: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieve Account
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_account(accountId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveAccount: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveAccount(accountId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.



Retrieves the current account

Returns information about the user authenticated with by the current JWT. **Note:** This API is subject to change, in future releases it will return a JSON object with richer account details.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        try {
            CurrentAccount result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentAccount();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#retrieveCurrentAccount");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        try {
            CurrentAccount result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentAccount();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#retrieveCurrentAccount");

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];

// Retrieves the current account
[apiInstance retrieveCurrentAccountWithCompletionHandler: 
              ^(CurrentAccount output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveCurrentAccountExample
        public void main()
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();

            try {
                // Retrieves the current account
                CurrentAccount result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentAccount();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.retrieveCurrentAccount: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentAccount();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveCurrentAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentAccount();
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveCurrentAccount: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()

    # Retrieves the current account
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_current_account()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveCurrentAccount: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveCurrentAccount(&context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);





Retrieve Subscriptions for the account

Returns Subscriptions for the account.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        try {
            Subscriptions result = apiInstance.retrieveSubscriptions(accountId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#retrieveSubscriptions");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        try {
            Subscriptions result = apiInstance.retrieveSubscriptions(accountId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#retrieveSubscriptions");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

// Retrieve Subscriptions for the account
[apiInstance retrieveSubscriptionsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(Subscriptions output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveSubscriptions(accountId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveSubscriptionsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieve Subscriptions for the account
                Subscriptions result = apiInstance.retrieveSubscriptions(accountId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.retrieveSubscriptions: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveSubscriptions($accountId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveSubscriptions: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveSubscriptions(accountId => $accountId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveSubscriptions: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieve Subscriptions for the account
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_subscriptions(accountId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->retrieveSubscriptions: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveSubscriptions(accountId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.



Suspend an account

Suspends an acconunt.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        SuspendAccountInputDetail suspendAccountInputDetail = ; // SuspendAccountInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.suspendAccount(accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#suspendAccount");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        SuspendAccountInputDetail suspendAccountInputDetail = ; // SuspendAccountInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.suspendAccount(accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#suspendAccount");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
SuspendAccountInputDetail *suspendAccountInputDetail = ; // 

// Suspend an account
[apiInstance suspendAccountWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var suspendAccountInputDetail = ; // {SuspendAccountInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.suspendAccount(accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class suspendAccountExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var suspendAccountInputDetail = new SuspendAccountInputDetail(); // SuspendAccountInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Suspend an account
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.suspendAccount(accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.suspendAccount: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$suspendAccountInputDetail = ; // SuspendAccountInputDetail | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->suspendAccount($accountId, $suspendAccountInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->suspendAccount: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $suspendAccountInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::SuspendAccountInputDetail->new(); # SuspendAccountInputDetail | 

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->suspendAccount(accountId => $accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail => $suspendAccountInputDetail);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->suspendAccount: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
suspendAccountInputDetail =  # SuspendAccountInputDetail | 

    # Suspend an account
    api_response = api_instance.suspend_account(accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->suspendAccount: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let suspendAccountInputDetail = ; // SuspendAccountInputDetail

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.suspendAccount(accountId, suspendAccountInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


system:manage:accounts Grant update access to accounts


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
suspendAccountInputDetail *

Details of the account to be suspended.



Updates customer-subscription details of the account

Updates subscription details of customer who signed up for the account - given the `accountId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null).


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        SubscriptionDetailsInput subscriptionDetailsInput = ; // SubscriptionDetailsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateAccountSubscriptionDetails(accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#updateAccountSubscriptionDetails");
import org.openapitools.client.api.AccountsApi;

public class AccountsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        SubscriptionDetailsInput subscriptionDetailsInput = ; // SubscriptionDetailsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateAccountSubscriptionDetails(accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#updateAccountSubscriptionDetails");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
AccountsApi *apiInstance = [[AccountsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
SubscriptionDetailsInput *subscriptionDetailsInput = ; // 

// Updates customer-subscription details of the account
[apiInstance updateAccountSubscriptionDetailsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.AccountsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var subscriptionDetailsInput = ; // {SubscriptionDetailsInput} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateAccountSubscriptionDetails(accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateAccountSubscriptionDetailsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var subscriptionDetailsInput = new SubscriptionDetailsInput(); // SubscriptionDetailsInput | 

            try {
                // Updates customer-subscription details of the account
                apiInstance.updateAccountSubscriptionDetails(accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.updateAccountSubscriptionDetails: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\AccountsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$subscriptionDetailsInput = ; // SubscriptionDetailsInput | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateAccountSubscriptionDetails($accountId, $subscriptionDetailsInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->updateAccountSubscriptionDetails: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::AccountsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $subscriptionDetailsInput = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::SubscriptionDetailsInput->new(); # SubscriptionDetailsInput | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateAccountSubscriptionDetails(accountId => $accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput => $subscriptionDetailsInput);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling AccountsApi->updateAccountSubscriptionDetails: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.AccountsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
subscriptionDetailsInput =  # SubscriptionDetailsInput | 

    # Updates customer-subscription details of the account
    api_instance.update_account_subscription_details(accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->updateAccountSubscriptionDetails: %s\n" % e)
extern crate AccountsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let subscriptionDetailsInput = ; // SubscriptionDetailsInput

    let mut context = AccountsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateAccountSubscriptionDetails(accountId, subscriptionDetailsInput, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


system:manage:accounts Grant update access to accounts


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
subscriptionDetailsInput *

Details of the subscription to be updated




Lists branches

Returns an (optionally) filtered list of all branches in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.BranchesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class BranchesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        BranchesApi apiInstance = new BranchesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            BranchesPage result = apiInstance.listBranches(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling BranchesApi#listBranches");
import org.openapitools.client.api.BranchesApi;

public class BranchesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BranchesApi apiInstance = new BranchesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            BranchesPage result = apiInstance.listBranches(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling BranchesApi#listBranches");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
BranchesApi *apiInstance = [[BranchesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists branches
[apiInstance listBranchesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(BranchesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.BranchesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listBranches(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listBranchesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new BranchesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists branches
                BranchesPage result = apiInstance.listBranches(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling BranchesApi.listBranches: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\BranchesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listBranches($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BranchesApi->listBranches: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::BranchesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::BranchesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listBranches(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling BranchesApi->listBranches: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.BranchesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists branches
    api_response = api_instance.list_branches(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BranchesApi->listBranches: %s\n" % e)
extern crate BranchesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = BranchesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listBranches(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Retrieves a branch

Retrieves a specific branch given the `accountId` and `branchId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.BranchesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class BranchesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        BranchesApi apiInstance = new BranchesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a branch within an account.
        try {
            BranchDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveBranch(accountId, branchId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling BranchesApi#retrieveBranch");
import org.openapitools.client.api.BranchesApi;

public class BranchesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BranchesApi apiInstance = new BranchesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a branch within an account.
        try {
            BranchDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveBranch(accountId, branchId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling BranchesApi#retrieveBranch");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
BranchesApi *apiInstance = [[BranchesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // Unique identifier of a branch within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves a branch
[apiInstance retrieveBranchWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(BranchDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.BranchesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // {String} Unique identifier of a branch within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveBranch(accountId, branchId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveBranchExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new BranchesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384;  // String | Unique identifier of a branch within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves a branch
                BranchDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveBranch(accountId, branchId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling BranchesApi.retrieveBranch: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\BranchesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a branch within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveBranch($accountId, $branchId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BranchesApi->retrieveBranch: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::BranchesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::BranchesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; # String | Unique identifier of a branch within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveBranch(accountId => $accountId, branchId => $branchId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling BranchesApi->retrieveBranch: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.BranchesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384 # String | Unique identifier of a branch within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves a branch
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_branch(accountId, branchId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BranchesApi->retrieveBranch: %s\n" % e)
extern crate BranchesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let branchId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String

    let mut context = BranchesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveBranch(accountId, branchId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of a branch within an account.




Convert a candidate to employee

Converts a candidate to an employee.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        CandidateConversionInputDetail candidateConversionInputDetail = ; // CandidateConversionInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.convertCandidateToEmployee(accountId, candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#convertCandidateToEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        CandidateConversionInputDetail candidateConversionInputDetail = ; // CandidateConversionInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.convertCandidateToEmployee(accountId, candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#convertCandidateToEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CandidatesApi *apiInstance = [[CandidatesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
CandidateConversionInputDetail *candidateConversionInputDetail = ; // 

// Convert a candidate to employee
[apiInstance convertCandidateToEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CandidatesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
var candidateConversionInputDetail = ; // {CandidateConversionInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.convertCandidateToEmployee(accountId, candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class convertCandidateToEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
            var candidateConversionInputDetail = new CandidateConversionInputDetail(); // CandidateConversionInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Convert a candidate to employee
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.convertCandidateToEmployee(accountId, candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi.convertCandidateToEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CandidatesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
$candidateConversionInputDetail = ; // CandidateConversionInputDetail | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->convertCandidateToEmployee($accountId, $candidateId, $candidateConversionInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CandidatesApi->convertCandidateToEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
my $candidateConversionInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::CandidateConversionInputDetail->new(); # CandidateConversionInputDetail | 

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->convertCandidateToEmployee(accountId => $accountId, candidateId => $candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail => $candidateConversionInputDetail);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CandidatesApi->convertCandidateToEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CandidatesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
candidateConversionInputDetail =  # CandidateConversionInputDetail | 

    # Convert a candidate to employee
    api_response = api_instance.convert_candidate_to_employee(accountId, candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi->convertCandidateToEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CandidatesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let candidateConversionInputDetail = ; // CandidateConversionInputDetail

    let mut context = CandidatesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.convertCandidateToEmployee(accountId, candidateId, candidateConversionInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
candidateConversionInputDetail *

Details of the candidate to be converted to an employee.



Creates a new candidate

Creates a new candidate. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * First Name (`firstName`) * Surname (`surname`) * Branch ID (`branchId`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        CandidateInputDetail candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createCandidate(accountId, candidateInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#createCandidate");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        CandidateInputDetail candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createCandidate(accountId, candidateInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#createCandidate");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CandidatesApi *apiInstance = [[CandidatesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
CandidateInputDetail *candidateInputDetail = ; // 

// Creates a new candidate
[apiInstance createCandidateWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CandidatesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var candidateInputDetail = ; // {CandidateInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createCandidate(accountId, candidateInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class createCandidateExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var candidateInputDetail = new CandidateInputDetail(); // CandidateInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Creates a new candidate
                apiInstance.createCandidate(accountId, candidateInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi.createCandidate: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CandidatesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->createCandidate($accountId, $candidateInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CandidatesApi->createCandidate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $candidateInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::CandidateInputDetail->new(); # CandidateInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->createCandidate(accountId => $accountId, candidateInputDetail => $candidateInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CandidatesApi->createCandidate: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CandidatesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
candidateInputDetail =  # CandidateInputDetail | 

    # Creates a new candidate
    api_instance.create_candidate(accountId, candidateInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi->createCandidate: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CandidatesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail

    let mut context = CandidatesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.createCandidate(accountId, candidateInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
candidateInputDetail *

Details of the candidate to be created/updated.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Lists candidates

Returns an (optionally) filtered list of all candidates in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            CandidatesPage result = apiInstance.listCandidates(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#listCandidates");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            CandidatesPage result = apiInstance.listCandidates(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#listCandidates");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CandidatesApi *apiInstance = [[CandidatesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists candidates
[apiInstance listCandidatesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(CandidatesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CandidatesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listCandidates(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listCandidatesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists candidates
                CandidatesPage result = apiInstance.listCandidates(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi.listCandidates: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CandidatesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listCandidates($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CandidatesApi->listCandidates: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listCandidates(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CandidatesApi->listCandidates: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CandidatesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists candidates
    api_response = api_instance.list_candidates(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi->listCandidates: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CandidatesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = CandidatesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listCandidates(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Merges two candidates

Merges two candidates The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Candidate Id (`candidateId`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        RecordMergeInputDetail recordMergeInputDetail = ; // RecordMergeInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.mergeCandidates(accountId, candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#mergeCandidates");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        RecordMergeInputDetail recordMergeInputDetail = ; // RecordMergeInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.mergeCandidates(accountId, candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#mergeCandidates");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CandidatesApi *apiInstance = [[CandidatesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
RecordMergeInputDetail *recordMergeInputDetail = ; // 

// Merges two candidates
[apiInstance mergeCandidatesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CandidatesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
var recordMergeInputDetail = ; // {RecordMergeInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.mergeCandidates(accountId, candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class mergeCandidatesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
            var recordMergeInputDetail = new RecordMergeInputDetail(); // RecordMergeInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Merges two candidates
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.mergeCandidates(accountId, candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi.mergeCandidates: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CandidatesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
$recordMergeInputDetail = ; // RecordMergeInputDetail | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->mergeCandidates($accountId, $candidateId, $recordMergeInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CandidatesApi->mergeCandidates: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
my $recordMergeInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordMergeInputDetail->new(); # RecordMergeInputDetail | 

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->mergeCandidates(accountId => $accountId, candidateId => $candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail => $recordMergeInputDetail);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CandidatesApi->mergeCandidates: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CandidatesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
recordMergeInputDetail =  # RecordMergeInputDetail | 

    # Merges two candidates
    api_response = api_instance.merge_candidates(accountId, candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi->mergeCandidates: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CandidatesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordMergeInputDetail = ; // RecordMergeInputDetail

    let mut context = CandidatesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.mergeCandidates(accountId, candidateId, recordMergeInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordMergeInputDetail *

Details of the record to be merged.



Retrieves an candidate

Retrieves a specific candidate given the `accountId` and `candidateId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        try {
            CandidateDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCandidate(accountId, candidateId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#retrieveCandidate");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        try {
            CandidateDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCandidate(accountId, candidateId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#retrieveCandidate");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CandidatesApi *apiInstance = [[CandidatesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves an candidate
[apiInstance retrieveCandidateWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(CandidateDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CandidatesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveCandidate(accountId, candidateId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveCandidateExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves an candidate
                CandidateDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCandidate(accountId, candidateId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi.retrieveCandidate: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CandidatesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveCandidate($accountId, $candidateId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CandidatesApi->retrieveCandidate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveCandidate(accountId => $accountId, candidateId => $candidateId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CandidatesApi->retrieveCandidate: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CandidatesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves an candidate
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_candidate(accountId, candidateId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi->retrieveCandidate: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CandidatesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = CandidatesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveCandidate(accountId, candidateId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.



Updates a candidate

Updates a particular candidate given the `accountId` and `candidateId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null). * Changing branch IDs These will be introduced as explicit actions (as they require more information than just the status change) in a future release.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        CandidateInputDetail candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateCandidate(accountId, candidateId, candidateInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#updateCandidate");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CandidatesApi;

public class CandidatesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CandidatesApi apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
        CandidateInputDetail candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateCandidate(accountId, candidateId, candidateInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CandidatesApi#updateCandidate");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CandidatesApi *apiInstance = [[CandidatesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
CandidateInputDetail *candidateInputDetail = ; // 

// Updates a candidate
[apiInstance updateCandidateWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CandidatesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
var candidateInputDetail = ; // {CandidateInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateCandidate(accountId, candidateId, candidateInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateCandidateExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CandidatesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
            var candidateInputDetail = new CandidateInputDetail(); // CandidateInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Updates a candidate
                apiInstance.updateCandidate(accountId, candidateId, candidateInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi.updateCandidate: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CandidatesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
$candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateCandidate($accountId, $candidateId, $candidateInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CandidatesApi->updateCandidate: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CandidatesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
my $candidateInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::CandidateInputDetail->new(); # CandidateInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateCandidate(accountId => $accountId, candidateId => $candidateId, candidateInputDetail => $candidateInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CandidatesApi->updateCandidate: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CandidatesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an candidate within an account. (default to null)
candidateInputDetail =  # CandidateInputDetail | 

    # Updates a candidate
    api_instance.update_candidate(accountId, candidateId, candidateInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CandidatesApi->updateCandidate: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CandidatesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let candidateId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let candidateInputDetail = ; // CandidateInputDetail

    let mut context = CandidatesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateCandidate(accountId, candidateId, candidateInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an candidate within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
candidateInputDetail *

Details of the candidate to be created/updated.




Creates a new competency

Creates a new competency. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Name (`name`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        CompetencyInputDetail competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createCompetency(accountId, competencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#createCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        CompetencyInputDetail competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createCompetency(accountId, competencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#createCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CompetenciesApi *apiInstance = [[CompetenciesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
CompetencyInputDetail *competencyInputDetail = ; // 

// Creates a new competency
[apiInstance createCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CompetenciesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var competencyInputDetail = ; // {CompetencyInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createCompetency(accountId, competencyInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class createCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var competencyInputDetail = new CompetencyInputDetail(); // CompetencyInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Creates a new competency
                apiInstance.createCompetency(accountId, competencyInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi.createCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CompetenciesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->createCompetency($accountId, $competencyInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->createCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $competencyInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::CompetencyInputDetail->new(); # CompetencyInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->createCompetency(accountId => $accountId, competencyInputDetail => $competencyInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->createCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CompetenciesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
competencyInputDetail =  # CompetencyInputDetail | 

    # Creates a new competency
    api_instance.create_competency(accountId, competencyInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->createCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CompetenciesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail

    let mut context = CompetenciesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.createCompetency(accountId, competencyInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
competencyInputDetail *

Details of the competency to be created.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Deletes an account level competency

Deletes an account level competency. This will also involve changes to employee and other record types


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteCompetency(accountId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#deleteCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteCompetency(accountId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#deleteCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CompetenciesApi *apiInstance = [[CompetenciesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

// Deletes an account level competency
[apiInstance deleteCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CompetenciesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.deleteCompetency(accountId, competencyId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class deleteCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

            try {
                // Deletes an account level competency
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteCompetency(accountId, competencyId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi.deleteCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CompetenciesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

try {
    $result = $api_instance->deleteCompetency($accountId, $competencyId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->deleteCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->deleteCompetency(accountId => $accountId, competencyId => $competencyId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->deleteCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CompetenciesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

    # Deletes an account level competency
    api_response = api_instance.delete_competency(accountId, competencyId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->deleteCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CompetenciesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = CompetenciesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.deleteCompetency(accountId, competencyId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency



List all the competencies for an account

Returns a list of all competencies in an account for the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            CompetenciesPage result = apiInstance.listCompetencies(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#listCompetencies");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            CompetenciesPage result = apiInstance.listCompetencies(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#listCompetencies");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CompetenciesApi *apiInstance = [[CompetenciesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List all the competencies for an account
[apiInstance listCompetenciesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(CompetenciesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CompetenciesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listCompetencies(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listCompetenciesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List all the competencies for an account
                CompetenciesPage result = apiInstance.listCompetencies(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi.listCompetencies: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CompetenciesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listCompetencies($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->listCompetencies: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listCompetencies(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->listCompetencies: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CompetenciesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List all the competencies for an account
    api_response = api_instance.list_competencies(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->listCompetencies: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CompetenciesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = CompetenciesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listCompetencies(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Retrieve details for a competency

Retreives the details for a single competency.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            CompetencyDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCompetency(accountId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#retrieveCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            CompetencyDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCompetency(accountId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#retrieveCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CompetenciesApi *apiInstance = [[CompetenciesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

// Retrieve details for a competency
[apiInstance retrieveCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(CompetencyDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CompetenciesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveCompetency(accountId, competencyId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieve details for a competency
                CompetencyDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCompetency(accountId, competencyId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi.retrieveCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CompetenciesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveCompetency($accountId, $competencyId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->retrieveCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveCompetency(accountId => $accountId, competencyId => $competencyId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->retrieveCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CompetenciesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

    # Retrieve details for a competency
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_competency(accountId, competencyId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->retrieveCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CompetenciesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = CompetenciesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveCompetency(accountId, competencyId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency



Updates a competency

Update a specific competency given the `accountId` and `competencyId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null).


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        CompetencyInputDetail competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateCompetency(accountId, competencyId, competencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#updateCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.CompetenciesApi;

public class CompetenciesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CompetenciesApi apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        CompetencyInputDetail competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateCompetency(accountId, competencyId, competencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi#updateCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
CompetenciesApi *apiInstance = [[CompetenciesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)
CompetencyInputDetail *competencyInputDetail = ; // 

// Updates a competency
[apiInstance updateCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.CompetenciesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
var competencyInputDetail = ; // {CompetencyInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateCompetency(accountId, competencyId, competencyInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new CompetenciesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)
            var competencyInputDetail = new CompetencyInputDetail(); // CompetencyInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Updates a competency
                apiInstance.updateCompetency(accountId, competencyId, competencyInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi.updateCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\CompetenciesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
$competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateCompetency($accountId, $competencyId, $competencyInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->updateCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::CompetenciesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
my $competencyInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::CompetencyInputDetail->new(); # CompetencyInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateCompetency(accountId => $accountId, competencyId => $competencyId, competencyInputDetail => $competencyInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->updateCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.CompetenciesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)
competencyInputDetail =  # CompetencyInputDetail | 

    # Updates a competency
    api_instance.update_competency(accountId, competencyId, competencyInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling CompetenciesApi->updateCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate CompetenciesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let competencyInputDetail = ; // CompetencyInputDetail

    let mut context = CompetenciesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateCompetency(accountId, competencyId, competencyInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
Body parameters
Name Description
competencyInputDetail *

Details of the competency to be updated.




Creates a new employee

Creates a new employee. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * First Name (`firstName`) * Surname (`surname`) * Branch ID (`branchId`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        EmployeeInputDetail employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createEmployee(accountId, employeeInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#createEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        EmployeeInputDetail employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createEmployee(accountId, employeeInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#createEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
EmployeeInputDetail *employeeInputDetail = ; // 

// Creates a new employee
[apiInstance createEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeInputDetail = ; // {EmployeeInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createEmployee(accountId, employeeInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class createEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeInputDetail = new EmployeeInputDetail(); // EmployeeInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Creates a new employee
                apiInstance.createEmployee(accountId, employeeInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.createEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->createEmployee($accountId, $employeeInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->createEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::EmployeeInputDetail->new(); # EmployeeInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->createEmployee(accountId => $accountId, employeeInputDetail => $employeeInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->createEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeInputDetail =  # EmployeeInputDetail | 

    # Creates a new employee
    api_instance.create_employee(accountId, employeeInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->createEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.createEmployee(accountId, employeeInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


manage:employees Grant create and update access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
employeeInputDetail *

Details of the employee to be created/updated.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Lists employees

Returns an (optionally) filtered list of all employees in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            EmployeesPage result = apiInstance.listEmployees(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#listEmployees");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            EmployeesPage result = apiInstance.listEmployees(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#listEmployees");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists employees
[apiInstance listEmployeesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(EmployeesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listEmployees(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listEmployeesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists employees
                EmployeesPage result = apiInstance.listEmployees(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.listEmployees: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listEmployees($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->listEmployees: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listEmployees(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->listEmployees: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists employees
    api_response = api_instance.list_employees(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->listEmployees: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listEmployees(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:employees Grant read access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Creates/Updates/Deletes employees bank accounts

Updates the list of employees bank details The following fields are mandatory for this request when using AU: * BSB (`bsb`) * Account Number (`number`) * Account Name (`name`) * Remainder (`remainder`) * Account Order (`accountOrder`) The following fields are mandatory for this request when using NZ: * Account Number (`number`) * Account Name (`name`) * Remainder (`remainder`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordBankAccountsInput recordBankAccountsInput = ; // RecordBankAccountsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeBankAccounts");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordBankAccountsInput recordBankAccountsInput = ; // RecordBankAccountsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeBankAccounts");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordBankAccountsInput *recordBankAccountsInput = ; // 

// Creates/Updates/Deletes employees bank accounts
[apiInstance maintainEmployeeBankAccountsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordBankAccountsInput = ; // {RecordBankAccountsInput} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.maintainEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class maintainEmployeeBankAccountsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordBankAccountsInput = new RecordBankAccountsInput(); // RecordBankAccountsInput | 

            try {
                // Creates/Updates/Deletes employees bank accounts
                apiInstance.maintainEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.maintainEmployeeBankAccounts: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordBankAccountsInput = ; // RecordBankAccountsInput | 

try {
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeBankAccounts($accountId, $employeeId, $recordBankAccountsInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeBankAccounts: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordBankAccountsInput = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordBankAccountsInput->new(); # RecordBankAccountsInput | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput => $recordBankAccountsInput);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeBankAccounts: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordBankAccountsInput =  # RecordBankAccountsInput | 

    # Creates/Updates/Deletes employees bank accounts
    api_instance.maintain_employee_bank_accounts(accountId, employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeBankAccounts: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordBankAccountsInput = ; // RecordBankAccountsInput

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.maintainEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, recordBankAccountsInput, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordBankAccountsInput *

Details of the bank accouts to be created/updated.



Creates/Updates employees leave balances

Creates/Updates the list of employees leave balances. If the leave balances exist they will be updated otherwise they will be created. The following fields are mandatory for this request when using AU: * Annual Leave (`annualLeave`) * Personal Leave (`personalLeave`) * Long Service Leave (`longServiceLeave`) The following fields are mandatory for this request when using NZ: * Annual Leave (`annualLeave`) * Sick Leave (`sickLeave`) * Parental Leave (`parentalLeave`) * Alternative Holidays (`alternativeHolidays`) * Long Service Leave (`longServiceLeave`) * Bereavement Leave (`bereavementLeave`) * Domestic Violence Leave (`domesticViolenceLeave`) The leave balances are captured in hours. If the user is providing more than 2 decimal places then we round-off the leave balance. Example: `3.91501956` becomes `3.92` and `3.9956` becomes `4`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordLeaveBalancesInput recordLeaveBalancesInput = ; // RecordLeaveBalancesInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordLeaveBalancesInput recordLeaveBalancesInput = ; // RecordLeaveBalancesInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordLeaveBalancesInput *recordLeaveBalancesInput = ; // 

// Creates/Updates employees leave balances
[apiInstance maintainEmployeeLeaveBalancesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordLeaveBalancesInput = ; // {RecordLeaveBalancesInput} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class maintainEmployeeLeaveBalancesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordLeaveBalancesInput = new RecordLeaveBalancesInput(); // RecordLeaveBalancesInput | 

            try {
                // Creates/Updates employees leave balances
                apiInstance.maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordLeaveBalancesInput = ; // RecordLeaveBalancesInput | 

try {
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances($accountId, $employeeId, $recordLeaveBalancesInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordLeaveBalancesInput = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordLeaveBalancesInput->new(); # RecordLeaveBalancesInput | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput => $recordLeaveBalancesInput);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordLeaveBalancesInput =  # RecordLeaveBalancesInput | 

    # Creates/Updates employees leave balances
    api_instance.maintain_employee_leave_balances(accountId, employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordLeaveBalancesInput = ; // RecordLeaveBalancesInput

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.maintainEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, recordLeaveBalancesInput, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordLeaveBalancesInput *

Details of the leave balances to be created/updated.



Creates/Updates an employee's payroll details

Creates/Updates the employee's payroll details The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Pay Rate (`payRate`) - only when Rate Unit is populated * Rate Unit (`rateUnit`) - only when Pay Rate is populated


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordPayrollDetailsInput recordPayrollDetailsInput = ; // RecordPayrollDetailsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeePayrollDetails");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordPayrollDetailsInput recordPayrollDetailsInput = ; // RecordPayrollDetailsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeePayrollDetails");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordPayrollDetailsInput *recordPayrollDetailsInput = ; // 

// Creates/Updates an employee's payroll details
[apiInstance maintainEmployeePayrollDetailsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordPayrollDetailsInput = ; // {RecordPayrollDetailsInput} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.maintainEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class maintainEmployeePayrollDetailsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordPayrollDetailsInput = new RecordPayrollDetailsInput(); // RecordPayrollDetailsInput | 

            try {
                // Creates/Updates an employee's payroll details
                apiInstance.maintainEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.maintainEmployeePayrollDetails: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordPayrollDetailsInput = ; // RecordPayrollDetailsInput | 

try {
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeePayrollDetails($accountId, $employeeId, $recordPayrollDetailsInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeePayrollDetails: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordPayrollDetailsInput = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordPayrollDetailsInput->new(); # RecordPayrollDetailsInput | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput => $recordPayrollDetailsInput);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeePayrollDetails: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordPayrollDetailsInput =  # RecordPayrollDetailsInput | 

    # Creates/Updates an employee's payroll details
    api_instance.maintain_employee_payroll_details(accountId, employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeePayrollDetails: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordPayrollDetailsInput = ; // RecordPayrollDetailsInput

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.maintainEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordPayrollDetailsInput, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordPayrollDetailsInput *

Details of the payroll details to be created/updated.



Creates and Updates the Retirement Savings for this employee

Creates and Updates the Retirement Savings for this employee


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = ; // RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving(accountId, employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = ; // RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving(accountId, employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput *recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = ; // 

// Creates and Updates the Retirement Savings for this employee
[apiInstance maintainEmployeeRetirementSavingWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = ; // {RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving(accountId, employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class maintainEmployeeRetirementSavingExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = new RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput(); // RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput | 

            try {
                // Creates and Updates the Retirement Savings for this employee
                apiInstance.maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving(accountId, employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = ; // RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput | 

try {
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving($accountId, $employeeId, $recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput->new(); # RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput => $recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput =  # RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput | 

    # Creates and Updates the Retirement Savings for this employee
    api_instance.maintain_employee_retirement_saving(accountId, employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput = ; // RecordRetirementSavingsDetailInput

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.maintainEmployeeRetirementSaving(accountId, employeeId, recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordRetirementSavingsDetailInput *

Details of the retirment savings to be created/updated.



Creates/Updates tax details for an employee

Creates/Updates tax details for an employee. The Tax File Number (`tfn`) is mandatory if Exempt Type (`exemptType`) is blank The Exempt Type (`exemptType`) is mandatory if Tax File Number (`tfn`) is blank Offset Estimated Amount (`offsetEstimatedAmount`) is mandatory only if Other Tax Offset Claimed (`otherTaxOffsetClaimed`) is checked. Value must be 0 or greater Increased Tax Withholding Amount(`increasedTaxWithholdingAmount`) is mandatory only if Upward Variation Requested (`upwardVariationRequested`) is checked. Value must be 0 or greater Approved Withholding Variation Percentage (`approvedWithholdingVariationPercentage`) is mandatory only if Approved Withholding Variation Percentage (`hasApprovedWithholdingVariation`) is checked. Value must be between 0 and 100


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordTaxDetailsInput recordTaxDetailsInput = ; // RecordTaxDetailsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeTaxDetails");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordTaxDetailsInput recordTaxDetailsInput = ; // RecordTaxDetailsInput | 
        try {
            apiInstance.maintainEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#maintainEmployeeTaxDetails");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordTaxDetailsInput *recordTaxDetailsInput = ; // 

// Creates/Updates tax details for an employee
[apiInstance maintainEmployeeTaxDetailsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordTaxDetailsInput = ; // {RecordTaxDetailsInput} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.maintainEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class maintainEmployeeTaxDetailsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordTaxDetailsInput = new RecordTaxDetailsInput(); // RecordTaxDetailsInput | 

            try {
                // Creates/Updates tax details for an employee
                apiInstance.maintainEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.maintainEmployeeTaxDetails: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordTaxDetailsInput = ; // RecordTaxDetailsInput | 

try {
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeTaxDetails($accountId, $employeeId, $recordTaxDetailsInput);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeTaxDetails: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordTaxDetailsInput = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordTaxDetailsInput->new(); # RecordTaxDetailsInput | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->maintainEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput => $recordTaxDetailsInput);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeTaxDetails: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordTaxDetailsInput =  # RecordTaxDetailsInput | 

    # Creates/Updates tax details for an employee
    api_instance.maintain_employee_tax_details(accountId, employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->maintainEmployeeTaxDetails: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordTaxDetailsInput = ; // RecordTaxDetailsInput

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.maintainEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, recordTaxDetailsInput, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordTaxDetailsInput *

Details of the tax details to be created/updated.



Retrieves the current employee

Retrieves more details about myself (employee) given the accountId.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        try {
            EmployeeDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentEmployee(accountId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveCurrentEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        try {
            EmployeeDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentEmployee(accountId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveCurrentEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves the current employee
[apiInstance retrieveCurrentEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(EmployeeDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveCurrentEmployee(accountId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveCurrentEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves the current employee
                EmployeeDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentEmployee(accountId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveCurrentEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentEmployee($accountId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveCurrentEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentEmployee(accountId => $accountId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveCurrentEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves the current employee
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_current_employee(accountId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveCurrentEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveCurrentEmployee(accountId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:employees Grant read access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.



Retrieves an employee

Retrieves a specific employee given the `accountId` and `employeeId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            EmployeeDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployee(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            EmployeeDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployee(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves an employee
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(EmployeeDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployee(accountId, employeeId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves an employee
                EmployeeDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployee(accountId, employeeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployee($accountId, $employeeId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployee(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves an employee
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee(accountId, employeeId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployee(accountId, employeeId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:employees Grant read access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.



Retrieves an employees bank details

Retrieves an employees bank details. All bank details are retrieved as an array of bank details


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordBankAccounts result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordBankAccounts result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves an employees bank details
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeBankAccountsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordBankAccounts output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeBankAccountsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves an employees bank details
                RecordBankAccounts result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts($accountId, $employeeId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves an employees bank details
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_bank_accounts(accountId, employeeId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeBankAccounts(accountId, employeeId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.



Retrieves an employees leave balances

Retrieves an employees leave balances


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordLeaveBalanceDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordLeaveBalanceDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves an employees leave balances
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalancesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordLeaveBalanceDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalancesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves an employees leave balances
                RecordLeaveBalanceDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances($accountId, $employeeId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves an employees leave balances
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_leave_balances(accountId, employeeId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeLeaveBalances(accountId, employeeId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.



Retrieves an employee's payroll details

Retrieves an employee's payroll details


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordPayrollDetails result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordPayrollDetails result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves an employee's payroll details
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeePayrollDetailsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordPayrollDetails output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeePayrollDetailsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves an employee's payroll details
                RecordPayrollDetails result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails($accountId, $employeeId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves an employee's payroll details
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_payroll_details(accountId, employeeId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeePayrollDetails(accountId, employeeId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.



Retrieves retirement savings (SuperFund or KiwiSaver) details for an employee

Lists the retirement savings of an employee.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordRetirementSavingsDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordRetirementSavingsDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves retirement savings (SuperFund or KiwiSaver) details for an employee
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavingsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordRetirementSavingsDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings(accountId, employeeId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavingsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves retirement savings (SuperFund or KiwiSaver) details for an employee
                RecordRetirementSavingsDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings(accountId, employeeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings($accountId, $employeeId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves retirement savings (SuperFund or KiwiSaver) details for an employee
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_retirement_savings(accountId, employeeId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeRetirementSavings(accountId, employeeId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.



Retrieves an employees tax detail

Retrieves an employees tax details


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordTaxDetails result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        try {
            RecordTaxDetails result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves an employees tax detail
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeTaxDetailsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordTaxDetails output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeTaxDetailsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves an employees tax detail
                RecordTaxDetails result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails($accountId, $employeeId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves an employees tax detail
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_tax_details(accountId, employeeId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeTaxDetails(accountId, employeeId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.



Terminates an employee

Terminates an employee. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * End Date (`endDate`) * Termination Method (`terminationMethod`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        EmployeeTerminationInputDetail employeeTerminationInputDetail = ; // EmployeeTerminationInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.terminateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#terminateEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        EmployeeTerminationInputDetail employeeTerminationInputDetail = ; // EmployeeTerminationInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.terminateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#terminateEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
EmployeeTerminationInputDetail *employeeTerminationInputDetail = ; // 

// Terminates an employee
[apiInstance terminateEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var employeeTerminationInputDetail = ; // {EmployeeTerminationInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.terminateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class terminateEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var employeeTerminationInputDetail = new EmployeeTerminationInputDetail(); // EmployeeTerminationInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Terminates an employee
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.terminateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.terminateEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$employeeTerminationInputDetail = ; // EmployeeTerminationInputDetail | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->terminateEmployee($accountId, $employeeId, $employeeTerminationInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->terminateEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $employeeTerminationInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::EmployeeTerminationInputDetail->new(); # EmployeeTerminationInputDetail | 

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->terminateEmployee(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail => $employeeTerminationInputDetail);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->terminateEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
employeeTerminationInputDetail =  # EmployeeTerminationInputDetail | 

    # Terminates an employee
    api_response = api_instance.terminate_employee(accountId, employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->terminateEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let employeeTerminationInputDetail = ; // EmployeeTerminationInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.terminateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeTerminationInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


manage:employees Grant create and update access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
employeeTerminationInputDetail *

Termination Details of the employee to be terminated.



Transfers an employee

Transfers an employee. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Transfer Type (`transferType`) * To Branch ID (`toBranchId`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordTransferInputDetail recordTransferInputDetail = ; // RecordTransferInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.transferEmployee(accountId, employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#transferEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordTransferInputDetail recordTransferInputDetail = ; // RecordTransferInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.transferEmployee(accountId, employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#transferEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordTransferInputDetail *recordTransferInputDetail = ; // 

// Transfers an employee
[apiInstance transferEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordTransferInputDetail = ; // {RecordTransferInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.transferEmployee(accountId, employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class transferEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordTransferInputDetail = new RecordTransferInputDetail(); // RecordTransferInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Transfers an employee
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.transferEmployee(accountId, employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.transferEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordTransferInputDetail = ; // RecordTransferInputDetail | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->transferEmployee($accountId, $employeeId, $recordTransferInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->transferEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordTransferInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordTransferInputDetail->new(); # RecordTransferInputDetail | 

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->transferEmployee(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail => $recordTransferInputDetail);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->transferEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordTransferInputDetail =  # RecordTransferInputDetail | 

    # Transfers an employee
    api_response = api_instance.transfer_employee(accountId, employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->transferEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordTransferInputDetail = ; // RecordTransferInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.transferEmployee(accountId, employeeId, recordTransferInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


manage:employees Grant create and update access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordTransferInputDetail *

Fields needed to facilitate the transfer.



Updates an employee

Updates a particular employee given the `accountId` and `employeeId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null). **Note:** Some changes are ignored in this process: * Employment Status (eg Current -> Terminated) * Changing branch IDs These will be introduced as explicit actions (as they require more information than just the status change) in a future release.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        EmployeeInputDetail employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#updateEmployee");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesApi;

public class EmployeesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesApi apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        EmployeeInputDetail employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesApi#updateEmployee");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
EmployeeInputDetail *employeeInputDetail = ; // 

// Updates an employee
[apiInstance updateEmployeeWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var employeeInputDetail = ; // {EmployeeInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateEmployeeExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var employeeInputDetail = new EmployeeInputDetail(); // EmployeeInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Updates an employee
                apiInstance.updateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi.updateEmployee: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateEmployee($accountId, $employeeId, $employeeInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesApi->updateEmployee: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $employeeInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::EmployeeInputDetail->new(); # EmployeeInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateEmployee(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, employeeInputDetail => $employeeInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesApi->updateEmployee: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
employeeInputDetail =  # EmployeeInputDetail | 

    # Updates an employee
    api_instance.update_employee(accountId, employeeId, employeeInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesApi->updateEmployee: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let employeeInputDetail = ; // EmployeeInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateEmployee(accountId, employeeId, employeeInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


manage:employees Grant create and update access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
employeeInputDetail *

Details of the employee to be created/updated.




Retrieves details of a note for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.

Retrieves details of a note for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesNoteApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesNoteApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesNoteApi apiInstance = new EmployeesNoteApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; // String | Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee.
        try {
            RecordNoteDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeNote(accountId, employeeId, noteId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi#retrieveEmployeeNote");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesNoteApi;

public class EmployeesNoteApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesNoteApi apiInstance = new EmployeesNoteApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; // String | Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee.
        try {
            RecordNoteDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeNote(accountId, employeeId, noteId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi#retrieveEmployeeNote");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesNoteApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesNoteApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; // Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee. (default to null)

// Retrieves details of a note for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeNoteWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordNoteDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesNoteApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; // {String} Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeNote(accountId, employeeId, noteId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeNoteExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesNoteApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720;  // String | Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves details of a note for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.
                RecordNoteDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeNote(accountId, employeeId, noteId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi.retrieveEmployeeNote: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesNoteApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; // String | Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeNote($accountId, $employeeId, $noteId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi->retrieveEmployeeNote: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesNoteApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesNoteApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; # String | Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeNote(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, noteId => $noteId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi->retrieveEmployeeNote: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesNoteApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720 # String | Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee. (default to null)

    # Retrieves details of a note for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_note(accountId, employeeId, noteId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi->retrieveEmployeeNote: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesNoteApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let noteId = nob4uks89c93bc26664c1a5a4d1720; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesNoteApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeNote(accountId, employeeId, noteId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:employees Grant read access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Unique identifier of an note within an account for an employee.



Returns list of all notes for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.

Returns list of all notes for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesNoteApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesNoteApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesNoteApi apiInstance = new EmployeesNoteApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            RecordNotesPage result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeNotes(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi#retrieveEmployeeNotes");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesNoteApi;

public class EmployeesNoteApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesNoteApi apiInstance = new EmployeesNoteApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            RecordNotesPage result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeNotes(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi#retrieveEmployeeNotes");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesNoteApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesNoteApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Returns list of all notes for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeNotesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordNotesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesNoteApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeNotes(accountId, employeeId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeNotesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesNoteApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Returns list of all notes for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.
                RecordNotesPage result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeNotes(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi.retrieveEmployeeNotes: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesNoteApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeNotes($accountId, $employeeId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi->retrieveEmployeeNotes: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesNoteApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesNoteApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeNotes(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi->retrieveEmployeeNotes: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesNoteApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Returns list of all notes for an employee in an account accessible to the authenticated user.
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_notes(accountId, employeeId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesNoteApi->retrieveEmployeeNotes: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesNoteApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesNoteApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeNotes(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:employees Grant read access to employees


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor




Allocate a competency to an employee

Allocate a competency to an employee. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Status (`status`) * Ref Competency ID (`refCompetencyId`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordCompetencyInputDetail recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.allocateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#allocateEmployeeCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordCompetencyInputDetail recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.allocateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#allocateEmployeeCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordCompetencyInputDetail *recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // 

// Allocate a competency to an employee
[apiInstance allocateEmployeeCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // {RecordCompetencyInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.allocateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class allocateEmployeeCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordCompetencyInputDetail = new RecordCompetencyInputDetail(); // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Allocate a competency to an employee
                apiInstance.allocateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.allocateEmployeeCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->allocateEmployeeCompetency($accountId, $employeeId, $recordCompetencyInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->allocateEmployeeCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordCompetencyInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordCompetencyInputDetail->new(); # RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->allocateEmployeeCompetency(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail => $recordCompetencyInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->allocateEmployeeCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordCompetencyInputDetail =  # RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

    # Allocate a competency to an employee
    api_instance.allocate_employee_competency(accountId, employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->allocateEmployeeCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.allocateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, recordCompetencyInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordCompetencyInputDetail *

Details of the competency to be allocated to the record.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Allocate a role to an employee

Allocate a role to an employee. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Role ID (`roleId`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordRoleInputDetail recordRoleInputDetail = ; // RecordRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.allocateEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#allocateEmployeeRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        RecordRoleInputDetail recordRoleInputDetail = ; // RecordRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.allocateEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#allocateEmployeeRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
RecordRoleInputDetail *recordRoleInputDetail = ; // 

// Allocate a role to an employee
[apiInstance allocateEmployeeRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var recordRoleInputDetail = ; // {RecordRoleInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.allocateEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class allocateEmployeeRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var recordRoleInputDetail = new RecordRoleInputDetail(); // RecordRoleInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Allocate a role to an employee
                apiInstance.allocateEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.allocateEmployeeRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$recordRoleInputDetail = ; // RecordRoleInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->allocateEmployeeRole($accountId, $employeeId, $recordRoleInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->allocateEmployeeRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $recordRoleInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordRoleInputDetail->new(); # RecordRoleInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->allocateEmployeeRole(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail => $recordRoleInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->allocateEmployeeRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
recordRoleInputDetail =  # RecordRoleInputDetail | 

    # Allocate a role to an employee
    api_instance.allocate_employee_role(accountId, employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->allocateEmployeeRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let recordRoleInputDetail = ; // RecordRoleInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.allocateEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, recordRoleInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
recordRoleInputDetail *

Details of the role to be allocated to the record.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Deletes a competency from employee record

Delete a specific comptency from employee record given the `accountId`, `employeeId` and `competencyId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X DELETE\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            apiInstance.deleteEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#deleteEmployeeCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            apiInstance.deleteEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#deleteEmployeeCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

// Deletes a competency from employee record
[apiInstance deleteEmployeeCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.deleteEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class deleteEmployeeCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

            try {
                // Deletes a competency from employee record
                apiInstance.deleteEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.deleteEmployeeCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

try {
    $api_instance->deleteEmployeeCompetency($accountId, $employeeId, $competencyId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->deleteEmployeeCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

eval { 
    $api_instance->deleteEmployeeCompetency(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, competencyId => $competencyId);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->deleteEmployeeCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

    # Deletes a competency from employee record
    api_instance.delete_employee_competency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->deleteEmployeeCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.deleteEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency



Deletes a role from employee record

Delete a specific role from employee record given the `accountId`, `employeeId` and `roleId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X DELETE\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        try {
            apiInstance.deleteEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, trainingRoleId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#deleteEmployeeRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        try {
            apiInstance.deleteEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, trainingRoleId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#deleteEmployeeRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

// Deletes a role from employee record
[apiInstance deleteEmployeeRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.deleteEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, trainingRoleId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class deleteEmployeeRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Deletes a role from employee record
                apiInstance.deleteEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, trainingRoleId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.deleteEmployeeRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

try {
    $api_instance->deleteEmployeeRole($accountId, $employeeId, $trainingRoleId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->deleteEmployeeRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

eval { 
    $api_instance->deleteEmployeeRole(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, trainingRoleId => $trainingRoleId);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->deleteEmployeeRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

    # Deletes a role from employee record
    api_instance.delete_employee_role(accountId, employeeId, trainingRoleId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->deleteEmployeeRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.deleteEmployeeRole(accountId, employeeId, trainingRoleId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.



List all the competencies assigned to a record within an account

Returns a list of all competencies assigned to a record in an account for the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            RecordCompetenciesPage result = apiInstance.listEmployeeCompetencies(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#listEmployeeCompetencies");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            RecordCompetenciesPage result = apiInstance.listEmployeeCompetencies(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#listEmployeeCompetencies");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List all the competencies assigned to a record within an account
[apiInstance listEmployeeCompetenciesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordCompetenciesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listEmployeeCompetencies(accountId, employeeId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listEmployeeCompetenciesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List all the competencies assigned to a record within an account
                RecordCompetenciesPage result = apiInstance.listEmployeeCompetencies(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.listEmployeeCompetencies: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listEmployeeCompetencies($accountId, $employeeId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->listEmployeeCompetencies: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listEmployeeCompetencies(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->listEmployeeCompetencies: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List all the competencies assigned to a record within an account
    api_response = api_instance.list_employee_competencies(accountId, employeeId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->listEmployeeCompetencies: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listEmployeeCompetencies(accountId, employeeId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Retrieve details of a competency assigned to an employee

Retreives the details of a single competency assigned to an employee.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            RecordCompetencyDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#retrieveEmployeeCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        try {
            RecordCompetencyDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#retrieveEmployeeCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

// Retrieve details of a competency assigned to an employee
[apiInstance retrieveEmployeeCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(RecordCompetencyDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveEmployeeCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieve details of a competency assigned to an employee
                RecordCompetencyDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.retrieveEmployeeCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeCompetency($accountId, $employeeId, $competencyId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->retrieveEmployeeCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveEmployeeCompetency(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, competencyId => $competencyId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->retrieveEmployeeCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)

    # Retrieve details of a competency assigned to an employee
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_employee_competency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->retrieveEmployeeCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency



Updates a employees competency

Update a specific employee's competency given the `accountId`, `employeeId` and `competencyId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null).


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        RecordCompetencyInputDetail recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#updateEmployeeCompetency");
import org.openapitools.client.api.EmployeesTrainingApi;

public class EmployeesTrainingApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmployeesTrainingApi apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
        String competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
        RecordCompetencyInputDetail recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi#updateEmployeeCompetency");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
EmployeesTrainingApi *apiInstance = [[EmployeesTrainingApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
String *competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)
RecordCompetencyInputDetail *recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // 

// Updates a employees competency
[apiInstance updateEmployeeCompetencyWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.EmployeesTrainingApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
var recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // {RecordCompetencyInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateEmployeeCompetencyExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new EmployeesTrainingApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
            var competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)
            var recordCompetencyInputDetail = new RecordCompetencyInputDetail(); // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Updates a employees competency
                apiInstance.updateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi.updateEmployeeCompetency: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\EmployeesTrainingApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
$competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
$recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateEmployeeCompetency($accountId, $employeeId, $competencyId, $recordCompetencyInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->updateEmployeeCompetency: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::EmployeesTrainingApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
my $competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
my $recordCompetencyInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::RecordCompetencyInputDetail->new(); # RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateEmployeeCompetency(accountId => $accountId, employeeId => $employeeId, competencyId => $competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail => $recordCompetencyInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->updateEmployeeCompetency: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.EmployeesTrainingApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an employee within an account. (default to null)
competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency (default to null)
recordCompetencyInputDetail =  # RecordCompetencyInputDetail | 

    # Updates a employees competency
    api_instance.update_employee_competency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling EmployeesTrainingApi->updateEmployeeCompetency: %s\n" % e)
extern crate EmployeesTrainingApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let employeeId = b48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let competencyId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let recordCompetencyInputDetail = ; // RecordCompetencyInputDetail

    let mut context = EmployeesTrainingApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateEmployeeCompetency(accountId, employeeId, competencyId, recordCompetencyInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an employee within an account.
Unique identifier (UUID) for a competency
Body parameters
Name Description
recordCompetencyInputDetail *

Details of the competency to be allocated to the record.




Pings the server

Checks the health of the client facing API server, including connectivity to any underlying API servers, databases or file servers.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.HealthChecksApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class HealthChecksApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of the API class
        HealthChecksApi apiInstance = new HealthChecksApi();
        try {
            Ping result = apiInstance.ping();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling HealthChecksApi#ping");
import org.openapitools.client.api.HealthChecksApi;

public class HealthChecksApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HealthChecksApi apiInstance = new HealthChecksApi();
        try {
            Ping result = apiInstance.ping();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling HealthChecksApi#ping");

// Create an instance of the API class
HealthChecksApi *apiInstance = [[HealthChecksApi alloc] init];

// Pings the server
[apiInstance pingWithCompletionHandler: 
              ^(Ping output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.HealthChecksApi()
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class pingExample
        public void main()
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new HealthChecksApi();

            try {
                // Pings the server
                Ping result = apiInstance.ping();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HealthChecksApi.ping: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\HealthChecksApi();

try {
    $result = $api_instance->ping();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling HealthChecksApi->ping: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::HealthChecksApi;

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::HealthChecksApi->new();

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->ping();
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling HealthChecksApi->ping: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.HealthChecksApi()

    # Pings the server
    api_response = api_instance.ping()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling HealthChecksApi->ping: %s\n" % e)
extern crate HealthChecksApi;

pub fn main() {

    let mut context = HealthChecksApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.ping(&context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);






List Accounts Under a Hub

List all the accounts under a hub available to the caller with appropriate permission


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.HubsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class HubsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of the API class
        HubsApi apiInstance = new HubsApi();
        String hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; // String | Unique identifier of an hub.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            AccountsPage result = apiInstance.listAccountsUnderHub(hubId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling HubsApi#listAccountsUnderHub");
import org.openapitools.client.api.HubsApi;

public class HubsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HubsApi apiInstance = new HubsApi();
        String hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; // String | Unique identifier of an hub.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            AccountsPage result = apiInstance.listAccountsUnderHub(hubId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling HubsApi#listAccountsUnderHub");

// Create an instance of the API class
HubsApi *apiInstance = [[HubsApi alloc] init];
String *hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; // Unique identifier of an hub. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List Accounts Under a Hub
[apiInstance listAccountsUnderHubWith:hubId
              completionHandler: ^(AccountsPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.HubsApi()
var hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; // {String} Unique identifier of an hub.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listAccountsUnderHub(hubId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listAccountsUnderHubExample
        public void main()
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new HubsApi();
            var hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c;  // String | Unique identifier of an hub. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List Accounts Under a Hub
                AccountsPage result = apiInstance.listAccountsUnderHub(hubId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HubsApi.listAccountsUnderHub: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\HubsApi();
$hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; // String | Unique identifier of an hub.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listAccountsUnderHub($hubId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling HubsApi->listAccountsUnderHub: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::HubsApi;

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::HubsApi->new();
my $hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; # String | Unique identifier of an hub.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listAccountsUnderHub(hubId => $hubId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling HubsApi->listAccountsUnderHub: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.HubsApi()
hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c # String | Unique identifier of an hub. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List Accounts Under a Hub
    api_response = api_instance.list_accounts_under_hub(hubId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling HubsApi->listAccountsUnderHub: %s\n" % e)
extern crate HubsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let hubId = 1a5a4d4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = HubsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listAccountsUnderHub(hubId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an hub.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



List Hubs

List all the hubs available to the user with appropriate role


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.HubsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class HubsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of the API class
        HubsApi apiInstance = new HubsApi();
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            HubsPage result = apiInstance.listHubs(filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling HubsApi#listHubs");
import org.openapitools.client.api.HubsApi;

public class HubsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HubsApi apiInstance = new HubsApi();
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            HubsPage result = apiInstance.listHubs(filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling HubsApi#listHubs");

// Create an instance of the API class
HubsApi *apiInstance = [[HubsApi alloc] init];
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List Hubs
[apiInstance listHubsWith:filter
              completionHandler: ^(HubsPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.HubsApi()
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listHubs(opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listHubsExample
        public void main()
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new HubsApi();
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List Hubs
                HubsPage result = apiInstance.listHubs(filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling HubsApi.listHubs: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\HubsApi();
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listHubs($filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling HubsApi->listHubs: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::HubsApi;

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::HubsApi->new();
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listHubs(filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling HubsApi->listHubs: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.HubsApi()
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List Hubs
    api_response = api_instance.list_hubs(filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling HubsApi->listHubs: %s\n" % e)
extern crate HubsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = HubsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listHubs(filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor




Retrieves the partner given the id

This endpoint provides details of the current partner.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.PartnersApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class PartnersApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        PartnersApi apiInstance = new PartnersApi();
        String partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a partner
        try {
            PartnerDetail result = apiInstance.retrievePartner(partnerId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling PartnersApi#retrievePartner");
import org.openapitools.client.api.PartnersApi;

public class PartnersApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PartnersApi apiInstance = new PartnersApi();
        String partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a partner
        try {
            PartnerDetail result = apiInstance.retrievePartner(partnerId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling PartnersApi#retrievePartner");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
PartnersApi *apiInstance = [[PartnersApi alloc] init];
String *partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // Unique identifier of a partner (default to null)

// Retrieves the partner given the id
[apiInstance retrievePartnerWith:partnerId
              completionHandler: ^(PartnerDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.PartnersApi()
var partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // {String} Unique identifier of a partner

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrievePartner(partnerId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrievePartnerExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new PartnersApi();
            var partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384;  // String | Unique identifier of a partner (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves the partner given the id
                PartnerDetail result = apiInstance.retrievePartner(partnerId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling PartnersApi.retrievePartner: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\PartnersApi();
$partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a partner

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrievePartner($partnerId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling PartnersApi->retrievePartner: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::PartnersApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::PartnersApi->new();
my $partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; # String | Unique identifier of a partner

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrievePartner(partnerId => $partnerId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling PartnersApi->retrievePartner: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.PartnersApi()
partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384 # String | Unique identifier of a partner (default to null)

    # Retrieves the partner given the id
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_partner(partnerId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling PartnersApi->retrievePartner: %s\n" % e)
extern crate PartnersApi;

pub fn main() {
    let partnerId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String

    let mut context = PartnersApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrievePartner(partnerId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:partners Grant read access to partners


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of a partner




Lists employee statuses

Returns a list of all employment statuses accessible to an account.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            EmploymentStatusesPage result = apiInstance.listEmploymentStatuses(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listEmploymentStatuses");
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            EmploymentStatusesPage result = apiInstance.listEmploymentStatuses(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listEmploymentStatuses");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
ReferenceDataApi *apiInstance = [[ReferenceDataApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists employee statuses
[apiInstance listEmploymentStatusesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(EmploymentStatusesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.ReferenceDataApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listEmploymentStatuses(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listEmploymentStatusesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists employee statuses
                EmploymentStatusesPage result = apiInstance.listEmploymentStatuses(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi.listEmploymentStatuses: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\ReferenceDataApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listEmploymentStatuses($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listEmploymentStatuses: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listEmploymentStatuses(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listEmploymentStatuses: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.ReferenceDataApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists employee statuses
    api_response = api_instance.list_employment_statuses(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listEmploymentStatuses: %s\n" % e)
extern crate ReferenceDataApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = ReferenceDataApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listEmploymentStatuses(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Lists employment types

Returns a list of all employment types accesible to an account.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            EmploymentTypesPage result = apiInstance.listEmploymentTypes(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listEmploymentTypes");
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            EmploymentTypesPage result = apiInstance.listEmploymentTypes(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listEmploymentTypes");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
ReferenceDataApi *apiInstance = [[ReferenceDataApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists employment types
[apiInstance listEmploymentTypesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(EmploymentTypesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.ReferenceDataApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listEmploymentTypes(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listEmploymentTypesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists employment types
                EmploymentTypesPage result = apiInstance.listEmploymentTypes(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi.listEmploymentTypes: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\ReferenceDataApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listEmploymentTypes($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listEmploymentTypes: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listEmploymentTypes(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listEmploymentTypes: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.ReferenceDataApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists employment types
    api_response = api_instance.list_employment_types(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listEmploymentTypes: %s\n" % e)
extern crate ReferenceDataApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = ReferenceDataApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listEmploymentTypes(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Lists genders

Returns a list of all genders accessible to an account.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            GendersPage result = apiInstance.listGenders(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listGenders");
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            GendersPage result = apiInstance.listGenders(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listGenders");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
ReferenceDataApi *apiInstance = [[ReferenceDataApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists genders
[apiInstance listGendersWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(GendersPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.ReferenceDataApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listGenders(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listGendersExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists genders
                GendersPage result = apiInstance.listGenders(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi.listGenders: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\ReferenceDataApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listGenders($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listGenders: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listGenders(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listGenders: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.ReferenceDataApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists genders
    api_response = api_instance.list_genders(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listGenders: %s\n" % e)
extern crate ReferenceDataApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = ReferenceDataApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listGenders(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Lists honorifics

Returns a list of all honorifics accessible to an account.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            HonorificsPage result = apiInstance.listHonorifics(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listHonorifics");
import org.openapitools.client.api.ReferenceDataApi;

public class ReferenceDataApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ReferenceDataApi apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            HonorificsPage result = apiInstance.listHonorifics(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi#listHonorifics");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
ReferenceDataApi *apiInstance = [[ReferenceDataApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// Lists honorifics
[apiInstance listHonorificsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(HonorificsPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.ReferenceDataApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listHonorifics(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listHonorificsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new ReferenceDataApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // Lists honorifics
                HonorificsPage result = apiInstance.listHonorifics(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi.listHonorifics: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\ReferenceDataApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listHonorifics($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listHonorifics: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::ReferenceDataApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listHonorifics(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listHonorifics: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.ReferenceDataApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # Lists honorifics
    api_response = api_instance.list_honorifics(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ReferenceDataApi->listHonorifics: %s\n" % e)
extern crate ReferenceDataApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = ReferenceDataApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listHonorifics(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);


read:accounts:referencedata Grant read access to reference data (branches, genders, honorifics, employment types and employment statuses)


Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor




Creates a new training group

Creates a new training group. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Name (`name`) * Type (`type`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        TrainingGroupInputDetail trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#createTrainingGroup");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        TrainingGroupInputDetail trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#createTrainingGroup");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingGroupsApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingGroupsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
TrainingGroupInputDetail *trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // 

// Creates a new training group
[apiInstance createTrainingGroupWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingGroupsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // {TrainingGroupInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class createTrainingGroupExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingGroupInputDetail = new TrainingGroupInputDetail(); // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Creates a new training group
                apiInstance.createTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi.createTrainingGroup: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingGroupsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->createTrainingGroup($accountId, $trainingGroupInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->createTrainingGroup: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingGroupInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::TrainingGroupInputDetail->new(); # TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->createTrainingGroup(accountId => $accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail => $trainingGroupInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->createTrainingGroup: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingGroupsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingGroupInputDetail =  # TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

    # Creates a new training group
    api_instance.create_training_group(accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->createTrainingGroup: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingGroupsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail

    let mut context = TrainingGroupsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.createTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
trainingGroupInputDetail *

Details of the training group to be created.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Deletes an account level training group

Deletes an account level training group. This will also involve changes to employee and other record types


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#deleteTrainingGroup");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#deleteTrainingGroup");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingGroupsApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingGroupsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)

// Deletes an account level training group
[apiInstance deleteTrainingGroupWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingGroupsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.deleteTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class deleteTrainingGroupExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Deletes an account level training group
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi.deleteTrainingGroup: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingGroupsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->deleteTrainingGroup($accountId, $trainingGroupId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->deleteTrainingGroup: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->deleteTrainingGroup(accountId => $accountId, trainingGroupId => $trainingGroupId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->deleteTrainingGroup: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingGroupsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)

    # Deletes an account level training group
    api_response = api_instance.delete_training_group(accountId, trainingGroupId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->deleteTrainingGroup: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingGroupsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String

    let mut context = TrainingGroupsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.deleteTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.



List Training Groups

Returns a list of training groups in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            TrainingGroupsPage result = apiInstance.listTrainingGroups(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#listTrainingGroups");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            TrainingGroupsPage result = apiInstance.listTrainingGroups(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#listTrainingGroups");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingGroupsApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingGroupsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List Training Groups
[apiInstance listTrainingGroupsWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(TrainingGroupsPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingGroupsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listTrainingGroups(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listTrainingGroupsExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List Training Groups
                TrainingGroupsPage result = apiInstance.listTrainingGroups(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi.listTrainingGroups: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingGroupsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listTrainingGroups($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->listTrainingGroups: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listTrainingGroups(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->listTrainingGroups: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingGroupsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List Training Groups
    api_response = api_instance.list_training_groups(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->listTrainingGroups: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingGroupsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = TrainingGroupsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listTrainingGroups(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Retrieves a training group

Retrieves a a training role group the `accountId` and `trainingGroupId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
        try {
            TrainingGroupDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#retrieveTrainingGroup");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
        try {
            TrainingGroupDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#retrieveTrainingGroup");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingGroupsApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingGroupsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves a training group
[apiInstance retrieveTrainingGroupWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(TrainingGroupDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingGroupsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveTrainingGroupExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves a training group
                TrainingGroupDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi.retrieveTrainingGroup: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingGroupsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveTrainingGroup($accountId, $trainingGroupId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->retrieveTrainingGroup: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveTrainingGroup(accountId => $accountId, trainingGroupId => $trainingGroupId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->retrieveTrainingGroup: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingGroupsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves a training group
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_training_group(accountId, trainingGroupId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->retrieveTrainingGroup: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingGroupsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String

    let mut context = TrainingGroupsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.



Updates a training group

Update a specific training group given the `accountId` and `trainingGroupId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null).


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
        TrainingGroupInputDetail trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#updateTrainingGroup");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingGroupsApi;

public class TrainingGroupsApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingGroupsApi apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
        TrainingGroupInputDetail trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi#updateTrainingGroup");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingGroupsApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingGroupsApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)
TrainingGroupInputDetail *trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // 

// Updates a training group
[apiInstance updateTrainingGroupWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingGroupsApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
var trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // {TrainingGroupInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateTrainingGroupExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingGroupsApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)
            var trainingGroupInputDetail = new TrainingGroupInputDetail(); // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Updates a training group
                apiInstance.updateTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi.updateTrainingGroup: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingGroupsApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
$trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateTrainingGroup($accountId, $trainingGroupId, $trainingGroupInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->updateTrainingGroup: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingGroupsApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
my $trainingGroupInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::TrainingGroupInputDetail->new(); # TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateTrainingGroup(accountId => $accountId, trainingGroupId => $trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail => $trainingGroupInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->updateTrainingGroup: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingGroupsApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account. (default to null)
trainingGroupInputDetail =  # TrainingGroupInputDetail | 

    # Updates a training group
    api_instance.update_training_group(accountId, trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingGroupsApi->updateTrainingGroup: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingGroupsApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingGroupId = c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273b34; // String
    let trainingGroupInputDetail = ; // TrainingGroupInputDetail

    let mut context = TrainingGroupsApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateTrainingGroup(accountId, trainingGroupId, trainingGroupInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Group within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
trainingGroupInputDetail *

Details of the training group to be updated.




Assigns competencies to a training role

Assign competencies to a training role.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = ; // AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = ; // AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingRolesApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingRolesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)
AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail *assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = ; // 

// Assigns competencies to a training role
[apiInstance assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingRolesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
var assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = ; // {AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)
            var assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = new AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail(); // AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Assigns competencies to a training role
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi.assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingRolesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
$assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = ; // AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole($accountId, $trainingRoleId, $assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
my $assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail->new(); # AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail | 

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole(accountId => $accountId, trainingRoleId => $trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail => $assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingRolesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)
assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail =  # AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail | 

    # Assigns competencies to a training role
    api_response = api_instance.assign_competencies_to_training_role(accountId, trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingRolesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail = ; // AssignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail

    let mut context = TrainingRolesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.assignCompetenciesToTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
assignCompetenciesToTrainingRoleInputDetail *

Competencies to be assigned to a training role.



Creates a new training role

Creates a new training. The following fields are mandatory for this request: * Name (`name`)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        TrainingRoleInputDetail trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#createTrainingRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        TrainingRoleInputDetail trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.createTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#createTrainingRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingRolesApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingRolesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
TrainingRoleInputDetail *trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // 

// Creates a new training role
[apiInstance createTrainingRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingRolesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // {TrainingRoleInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class createTrainingRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleInputDetail = new TrainingRoleInputDetail(); // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Creates a new training role
                apiInstance.createTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi.createTrainingRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingRolesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->createTrainingRole($accountId, $trainingRoleInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->createTrainingRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingRoleInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::TrainingRoleInputDetail->new(); # TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->createTrainingRole(accountId => $accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail => $trainingRoleInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->createTrainingRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingRolesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleInputDetail =  # TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

    # Creates a new training role
    api_instance.create_training_role(accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->createTrainingRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingRolesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail

    let mut context = TrainingRolesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.createTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
trainingRoleInputDetail *

Details of the training role to be created.


Name Type Format Description
Location String The location header will provide the canonical reference to the created training role.


Deletes an account level training role

Deletes an account level training role. This will also involve changes to employee and other record types


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#deleteTrainingRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        try {
            ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#deleteTrainingRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingRolesApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingRolesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

// Deletes an account level training role
[apiInstance deleteTrainingRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(ActionStatusResponse output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingRolesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.deleteTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class deleteTrainingRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Deletes an account level training role
                ActionStatusResponse result = apiInstance.deleteTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi.deleteTrainingRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingRolesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->deleteTrainingRole($accountId, $trainingRoleId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->deleteTrainingRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->deleteTrainingRole(accountId => $accountId, trainingRoleId => $trainingRoleId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->deleteTrainingRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingRolesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

    # Deletes an account level training role
    api_response = api_instance.delete_training_role(accountId, trainingRoleId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->deleteTrainingRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingRolesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = TrainingRolesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.deleteTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.



List Training Roles

Returns a list of training roles in an account accessible to the authenticated user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            TrainingRolesPage result = apiInstance.listTrainingRoles(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#listTrainingRoles");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

        array[String] sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

        Integer first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

        String after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

        Integer last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

        String before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

        try {
            TrainingRolesPage result = apiInstance.listTrainingRoles(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#listTrainingRoles");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingRolesApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingRolesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *filter = name:Scottie*; // Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
array[String] *sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *first = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *after = 342dfs09ds329320; // Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
Integer *last = 100; // Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
String *before = 531dfs09ds332932; // Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

// List Training Roles
[apiInstance listTrainingRolesWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(TrainingRolesPage output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingRolesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var opts = {
  'filter': name:Scottie*, // {String} Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

  'sort': sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc, // {array[String]} To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

  'first': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

  'after': 342dfs09ds329320, // {String} Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

  'last': 100, // {Integer} Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

  'before': 531dfs09ds332932 // {String} Pagination: Return objects before this cursor


var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.listTrainingRoles(accountId, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class listTrainingRolesExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var filter = name:Scottie*;  // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var sort = new array[String](); // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var first = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var after = 342dfs09ds329320;  // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var last = 100;  // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional)  (default to null)
            var before = 531dfs09ds332932;  // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional)  (default to null)

            try {
                // List Training Roles
                TrainingRolesPage result = apiInstance.listTrainingRoles(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi.listTrainingRoles: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingRolesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$filter = name:Scottie*; // String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

$sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

$first = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

$after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

$last = 100; // Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

$before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

try {
    $result = $api_instance->listTrainingRoles($accountId, $filter, $sort, $first, $after, $last, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->listTrainingRoles: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $filter = name:Scottie*; # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.

my $sort = [sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc]; # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order

my $first = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)

my $after = 342dfs09ds329320; # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor

my $last = 100; # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)

my $before = 531dfs09ds332932; # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->listTrainingRoles(accountId => $accountId, filter => $filter, sort => $sort, first => $first, after => $after, last => $last, before => $before);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->listTrainingRoles: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingRolesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
filter = name:Scottie* # String | Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
 (optional) (default to null)
sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc # array[String] | To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
 (optional) (default to null)
first = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
after = 342dfs09ds329320 # String | Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)
last = 100 # Integer | Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
 (optional) (default to null)
before = 531dfs09ds332932 # String | Pagination: Return objects before this cursor
 (optional) (default to null)

    # List Training Roles
    api_response = api_instance.list_training_roles(accountId, filter=filter, sort=sort, first=first, after=after, last=last, before=before)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->listTrainingRoles: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingRolesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let filter = name:Scottie*; // String
    let sort = sort=name:asc&sort=type:desc; // array[String]
    let first = 100; // Integer
    let after = 342dfs09ds329320; // String
    let last = 100; // Integer
    let before = 531dfs09ds332932; // String

    let mut context = TrainingRolesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.listTrainingRoles(accountId, filter, sort, first, after, last, before, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Query parameters
Name Description
Filter results using ElasticSearch Query Syntax.
To sort the results by either ascending or descending order
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when After cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects after this cursor
Integer (int32)
Pagination: Indicates the number of items per page (when Before cursor is used)
Pagination: Return objects before this cursor



Retrieves a training role

Retrieves a a training role given the `accountId` and `trainingRoleId`.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        try {
            TrainingRoleDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#retrieveTrainingRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        try {
            TrainingRoleDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#retrieveTrainingRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingRolesApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingRolesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

// Retrieves a training role
[apiInstance retrieveTrainingRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(TrainingRoleDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingRolesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveTrainingRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves a training role
                TrainingRoleDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi.retrieveTrainingRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingRolesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveTrainingRole($accountId, $trainingRoleId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->retrieveTrainingRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveTrainingRole(accountId => $accountId, trainingRoleId => $trainingRoleId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->retrieveTrainingRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingRolesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)

    # Retrieves a training role
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_training_role(accountId, trainingRoleId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->retrieveTrainingRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingRolesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String

    let mut context = TrainingRolesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.



Updates a training role

Update a specific training role given the `accountId` and `trainingRoleId`. This is a complete update (the majority of fields in the body are required, or else they will be saved as null).


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
        OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
        OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
        // Create an instance of the API class
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        TrainingRoleInputDetail trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#updateTrainingRole");
import org.openapitools.client.api.TrainingRolesApi;

public class TrainingRolesApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TrainingRolesApi apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
        String accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
        String trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
        TrainingRoleInputDetail trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 
        try {
            apiInstance.updateTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi#updateTrainingRole");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

// Create an instance of the API class
TrainingRolesApi *apiInstance = [[TrainingRolesApi alloc] init];
String *accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
String *trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)
TrainingRoleInputDetail *trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // 

// Updates a training role
[apiInstance updateTrainingRoleWith:accountId
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');
var defaultClient = EnableHrCitationHrApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
var OAuth2 = defaultClient.authentications['OAuth2'];
OAuth2.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN";

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.TrainingRolesApi()
var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // {String} Unique identifier of an account.
var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // {String} Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
var trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // {TrainingRoleInputDetail} 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.updateTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class updateTrainingRoleExample
        public void main()
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new TrainingRolesApi();
            var accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d;  // String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273;  // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)
            var trainingRoleInputDetail = new TrainingRoleInputDetail(); // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

            try {
                // Updates a training role
                apiInstance.updateTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi.updateTrainingRole: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\TrainingRolesApi();
$accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String | Unique identifier of an account.
$trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
$trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

try {
    $api_instance->updateTrainingRole($accountId, $trainingRoleId, $trainingRoleInputDetail);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->updateTrainingRole: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi;

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::TrainingRolesApi->new();
my $accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; # String | Unique identifier of an account.
my $trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
my $trainingRoleInputDetail = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::TrainingRoleInputDetail->new(); # TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

eval { 
    $api_instance->updateTrainingRole(accountId => $accountId, trainingRoleId => $trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail => $trainingRoleInputDetail);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->updateTrainingRole: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
openapi_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.TrainingRolesApi()
accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d # String | Unique identifier of an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273 # String | Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account. (default to null)
trainingRoleInputDetail =  # TrainingRoleInputDetail | 

    # Updates a training role
    api_instance.update_training_role(accountId, trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling TrainingRolesApi->updateTrainingRole: %s\n" % e)
extern crate TrainingRolesApi;

pub fn main() {
    let accountId = 4eb62cb48c9f429c93bc26664c1a5a4d; // String
    let trainingRoleId = b48c9f492c93bc26664c1a5a4d1273; // String
    let trainingRoleInputDetail = ; // TrainingRoleInputDetail

    let mut context = TrainingRolesApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.updateTrainingRole(accountId, trainingRoleId, trainingRoleInputDetail, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of an account.
Unique identifier of an Training Role within an account.
Body parameters
Name Description
trainingRoleInputDetail *

Details of the training role to be updated.




Retrieves the current user

This endpoint provides details of the current user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.UsersApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class UsersApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of the API class
        UsersApi apiInstance = new UsersApi();
        try {
            UserDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentUser();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling UsersApi#retrieveCurrentUser");
import org.openapitools.client.api.UsersApi;

public class UsersApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UsersApi apiInstance = new UsersApi();
        try {
            UserDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentUser();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling UsersApi#retrieveCurrentUser");

// Create an instance of the API class
UsersApi *apiInstance = [[UsersApi alloc] init];

// Retrieves the current user
[apiInstance retrieveCurrentUserWithCompletionHandler: 
              ^(UserDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.UsersApi()
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveCurrentUserExample
        public void main()
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new UsersApi();

            try {
                // Retrieves the current user
                UserDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentUser();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling UsersApi.retrieveCurrentUser: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\UsersApi();

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentUser();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling UsersApi->retrieveCurrentUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::UsersApi;

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::UsersApi->new();

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentUser();
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling UsersApi->retrieveCurrentUser: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.UsersApi()

    # Retrieves the current user
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_current_user()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling UsersApi->retrieveCurrentUser: %s\n" % e)
extern crate UsersApi;

pub fn main() {

    let mut context = UsersApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveCurrentUser(&context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);





Retrieves the current user

This endpoint provides details of the current user.


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET\
 -H "Accept: application/json"\
import org.openapitools.client.*;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.UsersApi;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;

public class UsersApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of the API class
        UsersApi apiInstance = new UsersApi();
        String userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a user
        try {
            UserDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentUserGivenId(userId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling UsersApi#retrieveCurrentUserGivenId");
import org.openapitools.client.api.UsersApi;

public class UsersApiExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UsersApi apiInstance = new UsersApi();
        String userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a user
        try {
            UserDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentUserGivenId(userId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling UsersApi#retrieveCurrentUserGivenId");

// Create an instance of the API class
UsersApi *apiInstance = [[UsersApi alloc] init];
String *userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // Unique identifier of a user (default to null)

// Retrieves the current user
[apiInstance retrieveCurrentUserGivenIdWith:userId
              completionHandler: ^(UserDetail output, NSError* error) {
    if (output) {
        NSLog(@"%@", output);
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var EnableHrCitationHrApi = require('enable_hr__citation_hr_api');

// Create an instance of the API class
var api = new EnableHrCitationHrApi.UsersApi()
var userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // {String} Unique identifier of a user

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.retrieveCurrentUserGivenId(userId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Org.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class retrieveCurrentUserGivenIdExample
        public void main()
            // Create an instance of the API class
            var apiInstance = new UsersApi();
            var userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384;  // String | Unique identifier of a user (default to null)

            try {
                // Retrieves the current user
                UserDetail result = apiInstance.retrieveCurrentUserGivenId(userId);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling UsersApi.retrieveCurrentUserGivenId: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Create an instance of the API class
$api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\UsersApi();
$userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String | Unique identifier of a user

try {
    $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentUserGivenId($userId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling UsersApi->retrieveCurrentUserGivenId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration;
use WWW::OPenAPIClient::UsersApi;

# Create an instance of the API class
my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::UsersApi->new();
my $userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; # String | Unique identifier of a user

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->retrieveCurrentUserGivenId(userId => $userId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling UsersApi->retrieveCurrentUserGivenId: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import openapi_client
from openapi_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = openapi_client.UsersApi()
userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384 # String | Unique identifier of a user (default to null)

    # Retrieves the current user
    api_response = api_instance.retrieve_current_user_given_id(userId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling UsersApi->retrieveCurrentUserGivenId: %s\n" % e)
extern crate UsersApi;

pub fn main() {
    let userId = d5117655c5814a0fb8ee2e9ed9d6d384; // String

    let mut context = UsersApi::Context::default();
    let result = client.retrieveCurrentUserGivenId(userId, &context).wait();

    println!("{:?}", result);



Path parameters
Name Description
Unique identifier of a user
